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Feature: Girl AI simulation

Posted: Thu 10. Jul 2014, 18:46
by ok666
I'm quoting the part of the version changes, for all of you who don't RTFM. :zahn:
New: Girl AI simulation! All the girls in the game now have a basic simulated behavior. Each girl will go around the city, working, relaxing,
partying and (occasionally) sleeping. No more getting a girl drunk one place, only to find her sober 10 seconds later in the other end of the city!
This will make the city feel more alive, the girls more realistic and create more immersion in the game.
The girls will have a bi-weekly regular work schedule, which means that if there is a specific girl you want to flirt with, you can find out where
she works and when.
This is the very first version of the system an obviously a huge change in the gameplay. If everybody likes it, we may later expand it and integrate
it further into the game (allowing you to ask for the work schedule in the chat, for instance).
If you have questions or suggestions to further improve this, this is the thread for it...

Re: Feature: Girl AI simulation

Posted: Sat 12. Jul 2014, 14:32
by maxxronoa
Anything that would add immersion to the game is cool and I definitely love to see it expanded and more of new features.
Asking her life schedule is nice. How bout make it two ways conversation too. Example, she asks what our interest is and if our interest is similar to her, we get attraction point.

Well, I have many suggestions but not sure if it can be implemented. I like a surprise element in game. So far, we have events for accident, getting caught by police etc. So I would suggest more events even if it's not related to flirting.
Some of scenarios that I can think of at the moment
1. Some bad guys harassing a girl. If we help her, and we win in the fight we get reputation and relationship point. Otherwise, we lose some strength and reputation. Win and lose depend on strength status. If the girl is our girlfriend, we can strengthen or lower, even break up if we lose.
2. Random encounter with a girl or old lady that needs help with lifting some stuffs. If we help her, we get little money/reputation minus some hours.
3. After working for tens times, our boss will send us to do some outstation job. Depends on the result, we will get extra bonus or payment cut. We could add a new place (airport). So when doing the task we will be gone for few days.
4. If we have a girlfriend, she will ask to bring her somewhere for vacation. It will cost some money, but failing to do so will result in break up etc.

Oh well I can think many scenarios but I'm sure others can contribute as well.

Re: Feature: Girl AI simulation

Posted: Sun 20. Jul 2014, 13:19
by xruss
I appreciate the new feature of VLC.
I do not like instead of the 'AI simulator', can you insert an option to enable/disable this option?


Re: Feature: Girl AI simulation

Posted: Sun 20. Jul 2014, 19:44
by tomcat0815
xruss wrote:..
I do not like instead of the 'AI simulator', can you insert an option to enable/disable this option?...
What bothers you about it? Can you write accurate the times?

Re: Feature: Girl AI simulation

Posted: Sun 20. Jul 2014, 22:53
by ShenTen
I love anything that makes it more of a game than a video player... this sytem is a huge improvment imo.

one thing that i would sugest you work on is the conversation options, right now its pretty much nice to meet you, how are you today, is it hot in here or is it just you, did you have a nice day, you set me on fire, i like your hair, i think you are sexy, you have nice legs, and then you can choose pretty much any sex topic and in 99% of cases this will be all that is required.. i realise it is very hard to make a conversation system where girls have likes and dislikes, and answers matter more than they do now, so you cant use the same conversation every time...

i am working on remaking most of the current girlpacks with every girl having some interests and allso where they are tougher to get to 100 without running out of stamina. but unfortunatly i cant program and help with the other things...

i think you guys have made a great game and i hope you will make some more features that will make it more of a game than a video player... :)

Re: Feature: Girl AI simulation

Posted: Tue 22. Jul 2014, 19:30
by xruss
My English is bad :-(

With the new version of ScoreVille I find less girls in various places, I preferred to find them all. So i ask an option to enable / disable the new feature "Girl AI Simulator" if it is due to the lower number of girls :-)

Re: Feature: Girl AI simulation

Posted: Tue 22. Jul 2014, 19:37
by ok666
Well, the girl AI is there to make Scoreville more a game than a video player. Just think about it, there are nearly 300 girl packs out there, so most of the locations were getting really crowded. Now this is reduced to a more realistic number. Channex has quite a few ideas to expand this feature, e.g. asking around so that you can hunt down a specific girl.