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Stat reductions too aggresive

Posted: Wed 7. Sep 2016, 06:20
by Sciguy77
I began losing aviation skill during the time the University was closed for a 28 day stretch. Every 3 or 4 moves I'd lose points again, at least while at home. The total reached zero very quickly, and I had to wait for the University to open again before I could resume flying planes. At $400 a lesson it was expensive.
Something very similar happens with strength and wisdom. Every 2 or 3 days these begin dropping, and continue to do so (while at home) until you take action to stop it. If this happens while energy is low, all you can do is watch the stats continue to drop while you replenish energy levels. Its a cool idea, but it is very aggressive at reducing stats and ends up more of an annoyance than anything. In a 24 hr period you can lose 30 STR and WIS or more if you don't do anything about it. The shower jacked me up too! Even with the most expensive bathroom, it can cost $60 to $100 in shampoo and take 12 hrs to get clean after a long working spree to earn cash fast. I don't care how nasty my ass gets, if I can's get clean with an hr.-long shower I'm doing something wrong! Might be handy to have a good shower inside both the gym and the hospital, and have the pools improve hygiene a little bit too. A long bath might be an idea for when you get really funky. Having to wake up, hit the gym for an hr or 2, study for an hr or 2, pop back home to spend a few hours showering, and then work every day just to keep maxed out stats from dropping doesn't leave a lot of time for anything else. This all happened on easy mode with no manual editing of player stats. Random furniture breaking kills gameplay too. After spending over 30 days doing nothing but working and building stats (hygiene at ZERO), I was living in the mansion, driving a Lamborghini, and had top of the line furniture in every room. I had no libido, but all my other stats were maxed. Every single room of furniture broke -- all at once -- and I didn't have the funds to replace it or a way to shower. While driving across the street to buy a cheap bathroom I was in an accident and lost the car too. I looked around inside the settings editor, but didn't see a way to tone any of this down with the exception of the chance of an accident.

Re: Stat reductions too aggresive

Posted: Wed 7. Sep 2016, 10:32
by Arkintoofle
Let's face it, the basic gameplay loop in this game is unnecessary and broken. You have to eat, sleep and shower for some reason. Why do we have to? Who knows. It doesn't add to the fun of the game in any appreciable way. Furniture breaks down, leading to you essentially having to completely replace stuff like your entire kitchen once a month (I mean, what?!). Go here regularly. Click this regularly. There's so much stuff that seems to have only two purposes: 1) Busywork, and 2) Keeping you away from what you actually play the game for, ie. the sexy stuff.

It's an interesting study in what happens when a developer completely disregards decades of game design theory. It's not like Scoreville's design is obnoxious in any way, but it feels pointless and filled with ideas where someone went "that sounds like fun" without actually thinking it all the way through.

If I were the one designing the game, I'd scrap every single bit of busywork and instead make the flirting and sex mechanics more mechanically interesting. It's what we're here for. Don't waste our time with things that don't contribute to the core goal of the game, and don't implement things that make no sense. Why do we have to shower for hours on end every day? Why does it take so long to get dressed? Why does all our furniture break every month? Most importantly, how does any of this make the game more fun? If something isn't fun and doesn't contribute to the game's central theme, it should never be implemented.

Re: Stat reductions too aggresive

Posted: Wed 7. Sep 2016, 15:21
by ok666
Stats will not drop, if School or University are closed during holidays. Visit the hospital and get yourself checked for STDs, which are responsible for such a behavior.

Re: Stat reductions too aggresive

Posted: Wed 7. Sep 2016, 18:12
by tomcat0815
Arkintoofle wrote:Let's face it, the basic gameplay loop in this game is unnecessary and broken. You have to eat, sleep and shower for some reason. Why do we have to? Who knows. It doesn't add to the fun of the game in any appreciable way. Furniture breaks down, leading to you essentially having to completely replace stuff like your entire kitchen once a month (I mean, what?!). Go here regularly. Click this regularly. There's so much stuff that seems to have only two purposes: 1) Busywork, and 2) Keeping you away from what you actually play the game for, ie. the sexy stuff.
Show a porno video and you don`t have this features.

Re: Stat reductions too aggresive

Posted: Wed 7. Sep 2016, 20:36
by Arkintoofle
tomcat0815 wrote:
Arkintoofle wrote:Let's face it, the basic gameplay loop in this game is unnecessary and broken. You have to eat, sleep and shower for some reason. Why do we have to? Who knows. It doesn't add to the fun of the game in any appreciable way. Furniture breaks down, leading to you essentially having to completely replace stuff like your entire kitchen once a month (I mean, what?!). Go here regularly. Click this regularly. There's so much stuff that seems to have only two purposes: 1) Busywork, and 2) Keeping you away from what you actually play the game for, ie. the sexy stuff.
Show a porno video and you don`t have this features.
I pointed out that I would have liked for the gameplay mechanics to be focused on the sex stuff instead of the irrelevant busywork, not for Scoreville to be a glorified video viewer. I want there to be stuff in the way of the porn, things that make you work for it. However, what's there at the moment is nothing but mindless clicking with no real gameplay and no real challenge, while the things that actually matter are woefully underdeveloped (flirting screen, I'm looking at you!). Most games stopped forcing the player to feed their character or have them sleep regularly more than two decades ago, once they realized that it's just not fun. These are valid gameplay mechanics when the task of obtaining food and a safe resting spot is a core facet of the game's themes and central design, such as with survival games. It's not a valid gameplay mechanic when all you have to do is go to the game's virtual store and buy what you need with money that is far too plentiful. There's no threat here, and no reason why there should be. The mechanic is there for the mechanic's sake, not because it actually adds anything to the game. When a game forces your character to spend several hours every day on basic hygiene needs that are nothing but a bother, you know that someone has made a misstep somewhere.

Do you want Scoreville to be a dating/sex game or a survival sim?

I'm not expecting anyone to listen to or even care about my gripes with the game, but I needed to get this off my chest. Scoreville is badly designed, but it has so much potential with its very promising foundation. It just needs the designer(s) to step out of their bubble and take a long, critical view of their own creation. Less is more. Focus is everything. Fun is the alpha and the omega.